Our Story

Original designs, brand-exclusive prints and custom colours mean that when you shop The Pine Company, you’re supporting an artist’s life work. Our brand is led by founder Oriana Bak, whose comprehensive experience in art, graphic and textile design and garment construction helps us differentiate us from other small shops. The Pine Company is proud to be part of the @noissue clean packaging alliance, using only eco-friendly products and materials in all of our packaging.

All of your clothing is handmade. But by who, where, and under what conditions? Everyone involved in our process is treated fairly, with respect for their time, skills and talent. It takes qualified, well-trained people with experience in textiles, manufacturing, logistics and design to create our curated collection. We think it's necessary and fair that everyone we work with is compensated for their expertise. 

You can rest assured that our garments are produced ethically, from beginning to end, helping to support women-led small businesses across Canada. 

LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The Pine Company respectfully acknowledges that we are situated within the traditional and treaty territory of the Mississauga First Nations. As people of the Williams Treaty, we acknowledge the need to strengthen our relationship with First Nations. We are grateful for the contributions and accomplishments of all Indigenous people across Turtle Island, current and throughout history.